Conversations: war, peace and treason

Joe Biden, Don Trump & Barack Obama are war criminals, writ large.


“Unprovoked military aggression is a war crime under international law.
This is completely clear. 
There are no ifs, ands or buts about it.”

In May 2012, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal found the United States government including [former US peace-justicePresident] George W. Bush, [former US Vice President] Richard B. Cheney, [former US Secretary of Defense] Donald H. Rumsfeld, and Alberto Gonzales; the attorney general, guilty of war crimes for conspiracy to violate the Geneva convention for condoning and allowing civilians to be held indefinitely at Guantanamo.

This judgment also applies to [US] President Barack Obama and Joe Biden, who refused to investigate ongoing crimes and allowed those crimes to continue and expand. The refusal to prosecute the Bush administration is another crime under international law.

As long as Obama, Biden or Trump Trump remain in office, the United States is proactively engaged in war crimes and America remains a lawless and feckless state. 

from ►► 


In the name of fighting terrorism the U.S. has been carrying out a silent war of drone strikes in Pakistan, Qatar, and other Middle Eastern states, order death-strikes on what it say are “terrorists”.  But recently released numbers reveal the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) warfare program, largely controlled impeach4by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, has a very low succes rate in terms of killing high-profile militants, while having large levels of civilian collateral damage with some strikes killing women and children.

In response four petitions by tribal leaders complaining that U.S. drone strikes were killing civilians, Chief Justice Dost Muhammad Khan and the junior judge on Pakistan two-judge Peshawar High Court panel decided that the drone were war crimes as they killed innocent civilians.”

– See more at:



Vets For Peace also Calls for the
Impeachment of Obama and his accomplices  for War Crimes …

Sep 13, 2011 – Veterans for Peace (VFP), a progressive organization if ever there was … for the “impeachment of President Barack H. Obama for war crimes”  Reality intrudes…


This is a time for new and revolutionary beginnings…

“Time is on the side of the oppressed today, it’s against the oppressor. Truth is on the side of the oppressed today, it’s against the oppressor. You don’t need anything else.”

― Malcolm X


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